
Saturday, December 26, 2009


Early Christmas gathering at Ben's new house:

On Christmas Eve a blizzard hit dropping first ice and then snow.  Accidents were happening everywhere, roads were closed, people spent the night in the local malls as they couldn't drive anywhere.  We decided on Christmas day to stay in and instead go to Billy's the next day.

Christmas with our family:

It was a perfect day.  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making Christmas Presents

Gracie decided she wanted to make all of her Christmas presents this year.  When I gave her several choices, she chose learning to sew on the sewing machine.

The first project she completed was a baby blanket for Chi.

She then went on to make patchwork pillows for her mom and dad.  She also drew a picture on fabric and colored it.  I made it into a wall hanging for her.   I am so proud of her!!!

Gifts that Gracie made - two pillows for mom, two pillows for dad, wall hanging for mom and dad, necklace for Grandma Diana and potholder for Grandpa Bert:

Gifts that I made: